Interested In Leading
a Link Group?

It's easy to think you’re not qualified. But God has given you exactly what you need to lead. Are you ready to rise to the occasion?

Connect People

As a Link Group Leader, you’ll have the opportunity to help people establish genuine connections with others by meeting consistently, discussing a sermon or book study, encouraging one another through difficult seasons, and praying for each other.

Activate Faith

You’ll influence people to grow in their relationship with Christ through active faith. You’ll encourage one another to serve in church and in your community, trust God with your finances, and invite others to be a part of your Link Group.

Connect People

As a Link Group Leader, you’ll have the opportunity to help people establish genuine connections with others by meeting consistently, discussing a sermon or book study, encouraging one another through difficult seasons, and praying for each other.

Activate Faith

You’ll influence people to grow in their relationship with Christ through active faith. You’ll encourage one another to serve in church and in your community, trust God with your finances, and invite others to be a part of your Link Group.

Interested In Leading a Link Group?
